MX Merchant



Thousands of businesses are migrating each and every month from traditional payment processing vendors to Priority's integrated core processing platform. The strength of our dynamic, custom-built payments ecosystem is that it streamlines work-flows and effectively manages all critical aspects of running a business from a single source.


MX Merchant is one of the most powerful payments platforms available and is a payments ecosystem that goes far beyond the traditional gateway. It comes standard with your Merchant account and includes these robust features:

  • Dashboard

  • Quick Pay

  • Payments

  • Customers

  • Settings

  • Support

  • Docs

  • Reports

  • Deposit

  • Settlement

  • Chargeback

  • MX Express App


Your merchants can begin using MX Merchant today by following the steps below:

  1. Have you merchant navigate to

  2. Click the “Sign In” link at the top right of the page.

  3. Click “Create New User” in the right toolbar.

  4. Input the owner’s email account that Priority Payments has on file.

  5. Verify your email once received by clicking on the verification link.

  6. Once you click on the verification link you will be directed to create and confirm a password for your account.

  7. Click Continue and you will be signed into MX6.

  8. Follow this link for a video on MX Merchant and its capabilities.